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Displaying 281-289 of 289 results.
Study TitleInvestigatorStatusRegistered OnActions
Evaluating the Impacts of Clean Cooking Technology in LaosTobias PfutzeOngoing2.14.2023View   Download
Evaluating the African Poultry Multiplication InitiativeTorben FischerCompleted6.17.2020View   Download
Evaluating the Impact of WFP’s EMOP Cash Transfer on Haitian HouseholdsTravis LybbertOngoing4.18.2017View   Download
Evaluation of AgResults Kenya On-Farm Storage PilotTulika NarayanOngoing3.25.2015View   Download
Vaparshun! - IMPROVING TOILET USE BEHAVIOURS IN RURAL INDIAVal Curtis Ongoing8.28.2018View   Download
Impact of a Second-Generation Conservation Agriculture Technology (Happy Seeder) on Crop Residue Burning and Air Quality in Northwestern Indo-Gangetic PlainsVijesh V. KrishnaIn Development5.24.2021View   Download
Am I discriminated against because of where I live? Methods and concepts to assess the impact of neighborhood improvement programs on labor markets in Latin AmericaWladimir ZanoniOngoing6.17.2020View   Download
Information and High School Enrollment: An Experiment in Southern MexicoZachary IntemannCompleted10.31.2013View   Download
Measles Vaccination Cash Incentives: Experimental Evidence from ShethOngoing12.19.2017View   Download