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Displaying 171-180 of 289 results.
Study TitleInvestigatorStatusRegistered OnActions
The effect of peer-to-peer information on potential migrants in West AfricaJasper Tjaden In Development5.24.2021View   Download
Addressing gender bias in Sierra Leone through community action and teacher training Jane LeerCompleted12.19.2017View   Download
Eliminating Child Labour through Economic Empowerment and Social InclusionJacobus de HoopOngoing8.7.2015View   Download
Evaluating the Impact of a Focused Reading and Math Intervention Integrated with a Social-Emotional Learning Program on Student Learning Outcomes and Psychosocial WellbeingJ. Lawrence Aber & Edward SeidmanOngoing3.20.2014View   Download
Understanding the Impacts of a Civic Participation Initiative in Rwanda: Experimental FindingsIra Nichols-BarrerOngoing4.22.2014View   Download
Impact Evaluation of ADRA's TRANSFER Project in Honduras: Enhancing Food Security Through SorghumHugo Navarro Ongoing4.26.2024View   Download
Can a socioemotional skills based curriculum boost the academic performance and aspirations of Indonesian adolescents?Hillary C. Johnson; Elizaveta Perova; Renos Vakis; Samantha De MartinoOngoing5.22.2019View   Download
Fast-Tracking the Access to Improved and Popular Varieties of Root Crops by Smallholder Farmers: A Case of Sweetpotato and CassavaHenry Musa KpakaOngoing11.11.2016View   Download
Pre-analysis Plan for Smallholder Agricultural Competitiveness Project (SACP), BangladeshHaseeb AhmedIn Development4.26.2024View   Download
Optimizing the use of economic incentives to increase male circumcision demand: a randomized trial to compare fixed and lottery-based incentives Harsha ThirumurthyCompleted2.26.2014View   Download