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Displaying 91-100 of 289 results.
Study TitleInvestigatorStatusRegistered OnActions
Evaluation of Group Handwashing with Soap before Mid-day Meals in Rural Elementary School of AssamSumeet PatilOngoing12.4.2015View   Download
Evaluation of India Deworming Programme (National Deworming Day), 2018-2020Ashutosh MishraOngoing9.26.2018View   Download
Evaluation of Madhya Pradesh Safe Cities InitiativeMacartan HumphreysOngoing12.14.2015View   Download
Evaluation of Plantwise - Kenya Paul C WintersOngoing10.13.2014View   Download
Evaluation of Samvedana Plus: An intervention with female sex workers (FSWs) and their intimate partners to reduce partner violence and increase consistent condom use within intimate relationshipsLori HeiseOngoing12.23.2015View   Download
Evaluation of The Impact of Removal of User Fees For Maternal Health Services on Universal Health Coverage in KenyaTimothy AbuyaIn Development3.31.2016View   Download
Evaluation of UDAAN Programme in Rajasthan 2018-2020K G SanthyaOngoing4.14.2019View   Download
Evaluation of a Nationwide Business Plan competitionDavid McKenzieCompleted10.9.2013View   Download
Evaluation of the Agriculture, Nutrition, and Gender Linkages (ANGeL) projectDr. Akhter AhmedCompleted5.16.2018View   Download
Evaluation of the Effects of Introducing RiskManagement Tools in Agricultural Development: The Case of PADAER SenegalMarkus OlapadeCompleted4.26.2024View   Download