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Displaying 11-20 of 288 results.
Study TitleInvestigatorStatusRegistered OnActions
ARTISTIC PATHWAYS FOR YOUTH EMPLOYMENTAmos NjugunaIn Development4.26.2024View   Download
Accelerating Access to Micro-Credit Through Branchless Banking and Electronic TabletsRafael Pilliard HellwigIn Development7.18.2018View   Download
Addressing gender bias in Sierra Leone through community action and teacher training Jane LeerCompleted12.19.2017View   Download
Afghanistan Safety Nets EvaluationMatthew MortonIn Development4.7.2016View   Download
Am I discriminated against because of where I live? Methods and concepts to assess the impact of neighborhood improvement programs on labor markets in Latin AmericaWladimir ZanoniOngoing6.17.2020View   Download
An Evaluation of the Relative Efficacy and Effectiveness of Written and Verbal Contracts: Lessons from a Field Experiment in Urban MalawiMahesh KarraOngoing9.15.2021View   Download
An evaluation of Tostan’s reinforcement of parental education programAnne FernaldOngoing6.16.2014View   Download
An experiment to promote the uptake of 3ie’s TREE review frameworkChandan JainIn Development4.26.2024View   Download
Assessing coverage, utilization, and barriers to coverage in the BRAC home fortification program in BangladeshHaribondhu SarmaOngoing4.24.2015View   Download
Assessing the Downstream Socioeconomic and Land Health Impacts of Agroforestry in KenyaKarl HughesOngoing4.18.2017View   Download