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Displaying 231-240 of 289 results.
Study TitleInvestigatorStatusRegistered OnActions
Sahel Womenâ??s Empowerment and Demographic Dividend (SWEDD): Empowering Adolescent Girls through Safe Spaces and Accompanying Measures in Burkina FasoHarounan KaziangaOngoing10.12.2020View   Download
The Effects of Adolescent Girls Clubs: Evidence from a Multi-Country RCT in Five West African Countries Lea Rouanet, Estelle Koussoube, Harounan Kazianga, Elise Huillery, Bastien Michel, Olivia Bertelli, Claire Boxho, Mathilde SageOngoing11.12.2020View   Download
Impact Evaluation of the Kenya Resilient Arid Lands Partnership for Integrated Development (RAPID) Activity Katherine DickinsonOngoing11.12.2020View   Download
Efficiency of Informal Transit Networks: Evidence from Lagos, NigeriaAlice DuhautOngoing2.8.2021View   Download
The social costs and benefits of infrastructure construction: Air pollution and bus rapid transit (BRT) in DakarSveta MilushevaOngoing5.31.2021View   Download
Impact Evaluation of Egypt's National Cash Transfer Programme, TakafulNaureen KarachiwallaOngoing7.27.2021View   Download
KhetScore: A cluster randomized trial on the impacts of using digital technologies to unlock credit and insurance for marginal farmers in OdishaBerber KramerOngoing8.9.2021View   Download
An Evaluation of the Relative Efficacy and Effectiveness of Written and Verbal Contracts: Lessons from a Field Experiment in Urban MalawiMahesh KarraOngoing9.15.2021View   Download
On the long-term impacts of Marine Protected Areas: A 18-years follow-up study in Tanzania Antoine LebloisOngoing1.3.2022View   Download
Improving Smallholder Livelihoods and Nutrition: An Evaluation of WFP’s Nutrition-Sensitive Food for Assets program in Sri Lanka Deanna OlneyOngoing5.4.2022View   Download