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Displaying 61-70 of 289 results.
Study TitleInvestigatorStatusRegistered OnActions
Uptake and Evaluation of Risk-Contingent Credit for Promoting Resilience and Livelihoods for Smallholder Farmers in KenyaLiangzhi YouIn Development4.1.2019View   Download
Lake Victoria Transport Corridor ProjectTheophile Bougna, Florence Kondolys, and Maria Ruth JonesIn Development2.13.2019View   Download
A randomised controlled feasibility trial of a household play space intervention to reduce infant Campylobacter infection: The CAMPI trialDr Paul HutchingsIn Development11.29.2019View   Download
Burkina Faso Cash Transfer for Tackling VulnerabilitiesFrank OtchereIn Development12.24.2019View   Download
Impact Evaluation of the Transport Systems Improvement Project (TRANSIP) in Addis AbabaSimon FranklinIn Development2.13.2020View   Download
Enhancing the Economic Impact of Rural Roads on Women in Nicaragua Arndt ReichertIn Development3.5.2020View   Download
Effect of computer-based working memory training on instrumental activities of daily living after ischemic stroke: A randomized clinical trial Daniel Landinez MartinezIn Development3.5.2020View   Download
The impact of economic corridors on economic activity and pollutionAlice DuhautIn Development6.17.2020View   Download
Evaluating the Impact of Road Safety Initiatives in LiberiaTheophile BougnaIn Development3.8.2021View   Download
Evaluation of the Quality of Gammarana for Stunting Prevention in Children aged 0-24 Months in Enrekang DistrictSirajuddin SirajuddinIn Development5.24.2021View   Download