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Displaying 111-120 of 288 results.
Study TitleInvestigatorStatusRegistered OnActions
Confidence, Experimentation, and Belief Updating Emilia TjernströmOngoing4.22.2017View   Download
The Effect of Demonstration Plots and the Warehouse Receipt System on ISFM Adoption, Yield and Income of Smallholder Farmers in Malawi MaertensOngoing6.21.2017View   Download
The Effect of Better Quality Information on School Choice in UgandaLee CrawfurdIn Development6.21.2017View   Download
Facilitated participatory and action groups to improve maternal and newborn health at scale in Jharkhand, India Audrey ProstIn Development7.6.2017View   Download
The Sustainable Undernutrition Reduction in Ethiopia (SURE) study: a protocol to evaluate impact and process of an integrated health and agriculture programme to improve child feeding practicesSolomon EshetuOngoing8.2.2017View   Download
Does deforestation increase malaria prevalence? Evidence from satellite data and health surveys (pre-analysis plan 1 of 2: Liberia only)Jonah BuschCompleted9.22.2017View   Download
Evaluating the effectiveness of household energy interventions in rural Senegal using experimental and quasi-experimental methodsJörg PetersCompleted9.26.2017View   Download
Gender segregated public transport in Rio de JaneiroKatherine VybornyOngoing11.19.2017View   Download
Implementing and Evaluating Low Cost Interventions to Improve Latrine Use Among Rural Households in Odisha, IndiaBethany CarusoOngoing11.19.2017View   Download
Evaluation of the impact of the HiFive for HySan program on pupil independent hand-washing practices in elementary schools in the PhilippinesLilian Lehmann; Clément Bisserbe; Qayam Jetha; Daniel WaldroopCompleted11.19.2017View   Download