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Displaying 131-140 of 288 results.
Study TitleInvestigatorStatusRegistered OnActions
The Millennium Villages Project: A protocol for the final evaluation - MaliJeffrey D. SachsOngoing5.4.2015View   Download
The Millennium Villages Project: A protocol for the final evaluation - GhanaJeffrey D. SachsOngoing5.4.2015View   Download
The Millennium Villages Project: A protocol for the final evaluation - NigeriaJeffrey D. SachsOngoing5.4.2015View   Download
The Millennium Villages Project: A protocol for the final evaluation - SenegalJeffrey D. SachsOngoing5.4.2015View   Download
The Millennium Villages Project: A protocol for the final evaluation - UgandaJeffrey D. SachsOngoing5.4.2015View   Download
Examining the Impact of Family Planning on Fertility, Maternal and Child Health, and Economic Well-Being: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Urban MalawiMahesh KarraOngoing5.28.2015View   Download
The Millennium Villages Project: A protocol for the final evaluation - EthiopiaJeffrey D. SachsOngoing5.27.2015View   Download
The Millennium Villages Project: A protocol for the final evaluation – Tanzania Jeffrey D. SachsOngoing5.7.2015View   Download
The Millennium Villages Project: A protocol for the final evaluation – Rwanda Jeffrey D. SachsOngoing6.9.2015View   Download
Eliminating Child Labour through Economic Empowerment and Social InclusionJacobus de HoopOngoing8.7.2015View   Download