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Displaying 141-150 of 289 results.
Study TitleInvestigatorStatusRegistered OnActions
Impact Evaluation of the Feed the Future Land Tenure Assistance Activity Lauren PershaCompleted12.23.2020View   Download
Impact Evaluation of the Integrated Safety Net Program in Amhara RegionTia PalermoOngoing11.19.2018View   Download
Impact Evaluation of the Iraq Transport CorridorsTheophile BougnaIn Development11.29.2019View   Download
Impact Evaluation of the Kenya Resilient Arid Lands Partnership for Integrated Development (RAPID) Activity Katherine DickinsonOngoing11.12.2020View   Download
Impact Evaluation of the SADA, Northern Ghana Millennium Village ProjectEdoardo MassetOngoing1.7.2015View   Download
Impact Evaluation of the Support to the Maternal Mortality Reduction Project (SMMRP) in Tanzania Dana KassemOngoing4.26.2024View   Download
Impact Evaluation of the Transport Systems Improvement Project (TRANSIP) in Addis AbabaSimon FranklinIn Development2.13.2020View   Download
Impact Evaluation of the United Nations Secretary-General's Peacebuilding Fund-supported project to build cross border peace and strengthen sustainable livelihoods of cattle herders and crop farmers Paul ThissenOngoing1.15.2025View   Download
Impact and feasibility of integrated agriculture-nutrition training through early-childhood development centres in Malawi.Aulo GelliOngoing7.27.2016View   Download
Impact evaluation for Performance-Based Financing for Health in Burkina Faso Paul RobynOngoing10.17.2014View   Download