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Displaying 181-190 of 289 results.
Study TitleInvestigatorStatusRegistered OnActions
Innovative demand creation for voluntary medical male circumcision for a high impact male population: A pilot study at three high volume clinics in Kampala, Uganda.Andrew KambuguIn Development4.3.2014View   Download
Integrated Workforce Development and Sexual and Reproductive Health for Youth in Bangladesh Study Diana RutherfordOngoing9.3.2018View   Download
Integrated multisectoral strategy to improve girls’ and women’s nutrition before conception, during pregnancy and after birth in India (Swabhimaan): prospective, non-randomised controlled evaluationDr Vani SethiOngoing11.11.2016View   Download
Integration of Community MNCH Services with PMTCT using Community Health Workers to Enhance Retention in Care and Improve Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy in TanzaniaSandra I. McCoyCompleted4.8.2015View   Download
Join New YearRavi ChouhanStopped12.26.2024View   Download
Judicial Performance Improvement Impact EvaluationJustin SandefurOngoing11.16.2016View   Download
KhetScore: A cluster randomized trial on the impacts of using digital technologies to unlock credit and insurance for marginal farmers in OdishaBerber KramerOngoing8.9.2021View   Download
Lake Victoria Transport Corridor ProjectTheophile Bougna, Florence Kondolys, and Maria Ruth JonesIn Development2.13.2019View   Download
Last Mile Connectivity Project (Phase I) Impact Evaluation Dana KassemIn Development5.24.2021View   Download
Learning about Cost-Effective Strategies for Developing and Delivering Biofortified Crops in UgandaDaniel GilliganOngoing9.18.2013View   Download