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Displaying 201-210 of 280 results.
Study TitleInvestigatorStatusRegistered OnActions
Evaluation of Plantwise - Kenya Paul C WintersOngoing10.13.2014View   Download
Route to Development: Impacts of Road Network Improvements on Agricultural Intensification in MozambiquePaul ChristianOngoing7.13.2020View   Download
Assessment of the Impact of Receiving Eyeglasses on Productivity in Handicraft Weaving in RwandaPaul GlewweStopped9.17.2013View   Download
Evaluating the Design and Impact of the Secondary School Teacher Training Initiative under the Government of Nepal’s School Sector Development ProgramPaul GlewweOngoing7.17.2019View   Download
Impact evaluation for Performance-Based Financing for Health in Burkina Faso Paul RobynOngoing10.17.2014View   Download
Peacebuilding Fund Impact Evaluation, Learning, and Dissemination Phase 1 (PeaceFIELD1) in Darfur, SudanPaul ThissenIn Development1.20.2022View   Download
Short-text (SMS) platform ‘Zambia U-Report’ to increase demand for voluntary medicalized male circumcision among adolescents and young adultsPaul WangCompleted2.17.2014View   Download
A cluster randomised trial on the impact of integrating early infant HIV diagnosis with the Expanded Programme on Immunization on immunization and HIV testing rates in rural Zambian health facilitiesPaul WangCompleted6.30.2015View   Download
The Impact of School Gardens Linked to Complementary Interventions in Nutrition, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in Bhutan, Burkina Faso, Indonesia and Nepal Pepijn SchreinemachersCompleted8.18.2015View   Download
Impact of Training Poor Rural Households in Home Gardening and Nutrition in Tanzania, Kenya and UgandaPepijn SchreinemachersOngoing1.19.2016View   Download