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Displaying 201-210 of 289 results.
Study TitleInvestigatorStatusRegistered OnActions
Microfinance demand in Pakistan PunjabSimon QuinnOngoing11.13.2013View   Download
Mixed-Methods Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial of Impact Network’s eSchool 360 Model in Rural Zambia Thomas de HoopOngoing3.19.2019View   Download
Mobile Clinics for Social Inclusion in IndonesiaForest JarvisOngoing4.26.2024View   Download
Mozambique Mobile Money Feasibility StudyAlan De BrauwOngoing9.18.2013View   Download
Nudges for Rural Sanitation: Evaluating low-touch methods to promote latrine use in Rural BiharPulkit AgarwalOngoing5.27.2019View   Download
Nudging children toward healthier food choices: An experiment combining school and home gardensPepijn SchreinemachersCompleted5.13.2019View   Download
On the long-term impacts of Marine Protected Areas: A 18-years follow-up study in Tanzania Antoine LebloisOngoing1.3.2022View   Download
Optimizing the use of economic incentives to increase male circumcision demand: a randomized trial to compare fixed and lottery-based incentives Harsha ThirumurthyCompleted2.26.2014View   Download
PEACEField1: Guatemala Micro Case-StudyNeil T. N. FergusonIn Development11.17.2022View   Download
PEACEField1: Mali Case-StudyNeil T. N. FergusonIn Development11.17.2022View   Download