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Displaying 211-220 of 288 results.
Study TitleInvestigatorStatusRegistered OnActions
Evaluation of the Quality of Gammarana for Stunting Prevention in Children aged 0-24 Months in Enrekang DistrictSirajuddin SirajuddinIn Development5.24.2021View   Download
Last Mile Connectivity Project (Phase I) Impact Evaluation Dana KassemIn Development5.24.2021View   Download
Impact of a Second-Generation Conservation Agriculture Technology (Happy Seeder) on Crop Residue Burning and Air Quality in Northwestern Indo-Gangetic PlainsVijesh V. KrishnaIn Development5.24.2021View   Download
The effect of peer-to-peer information on potential migrants in West AfricaJasper Tjaden In Development5.24.2021View   Download
The social costs and benefits of infrastructure construction: Air pollution and bus rapid transit (BRT) in DakarSveta MilushevaOngoing5.31.2021View   Download
Completing the Road Network: Evidence from New Vehicular Bridges in NepalTheophile BougnaIn Development5.31.2021View   Download
Impact Evaluation of Egypt's National Cash Transfer Programme, TakafulNaureen KarachiwallaOngoing7.27.2021View   Download
KhetScore: A cluster randomized trial on the impacts of using digital technologies to unlock credit and insurance for marginal farmers in OdishaBerber KramerOngoing8.9.2021View   Download
An Evaluation of the Relative Efficacy and Effectiveness of Written and Verbal Contracts: Lessons from a Field Experiment in Urban MalawiMahesh KarraOngoing9.15.2021View   Download
Role of Text Messages in Nudging Farmers to use Credible Information Sources for Farming decisions.R Sai Shiva JayanthCompleted9.24.2021View   Download