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Displaying 221-230 of 280 results.
Study TitleInvestigatorStatusRegistered OnActions
Evaluating Impacts of Rural Road Maintenance Employment among Women in LaosElizaveta PerovaOngoing3.5.2020View   Download
Long-term Impacts of the Philippines Conditional Cash Transfer ProgramElizaveta PerovaOngoing3.5.2020View   Download
The economics of long-term grid reliabilitySusanna BerkouwerOngoing5.21.2020View   Download
Am I discriminated against because of where I live? Methods and concepts to assess the impact of neighborhood improvement programs on labor markets in Latin AmericaWladimir ZanoniOngoing6.17.2020View   Download
Route to Development: Impacts of Road Network Improvements on Agricultural Intensification in MozambiquePaul ChristianOngoing7.13.2020View   Download
Sahel Women's Empowerment and Demographic Dividend (SWEDD): Empowering Adolescent Girls in MaliOlivia BertelliOngoing9.1.2020View   Download
Measuring the Impact of a Health Delivery Intervention in the Ahafo, Ashanti, Bono East, Central Eastern, Northern, North East, Upper East, and Volta Regions of Ghana Dr Valentina BrailovskayaOngoing10.12.2020View   Download
Sahel Womenâ??s Empowerment and Demographic Dividend (SWEDD): Empowering Adolescent Girls through Safe Spaces and Accompanying Measures in Burkina FasoHarounan KaziangaOngoing10.12.2020View   Download
Empowering Adolescent Girls in the Sahel: Evidence from a Multi-Country RCT of the Sahel Women Empowerment and Demographic Dividend Project Lea Rouanet, Estelle Koussoube, Harounan Kazianga, Elise Huillery, Bastien Michel, Olivia Bertelli, Markus Olapade, Claire Boxho, Mathilde SageOngoing11.12.2020View   Download
Impact Evaluation of the Kenya Resilient Arid Lands Partnership for Integrated Development (RAPID) Activity Katherine DickinsonOngoing11.12.2020View   Download