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Displaying 241-250 of 280 results.
Study TitleInvestigatorStatusRegistered OnActions
Impact evaluation of the USAID/MIKOLO COSAN Savings and Loan Funds (CSLF) for health intervention in MadagascarAurélie Brunie Completed6.11.2015View   Download
Improving community development by linking agriculture, nutrition and education: a randomised trial of "home-grown" school feeding in MaliAulo GelliOngoing9.17.2013View   Download
Impact and feasibility of integrated agriculture-nutrition training through early-childhood development centres in Malawi.Aulo GelliOngoing7.27.2016View   Download
Facilitated participatory and action groups to improve maternal and newborn health at scale in Jharkhand, India Audrey ProstIn Development7.6.2017View   Download
Evaluation of India Deworming Programme (National Deworming Day), 2018-2020Ashutosh MishraOngoing9.26.2018View   Download
A Tough Call: Understanding the Impact of Mobile Technology on Women's Work, Gender Gaps, Social Norms, and MisinformationAruj ShuklaOngoing7.24.2023View   Download
The Human Capital Impacts of increasing girls’ minimum marriage ageArndt Reichert Ongoing8.4.2022View   Download
Economic and Empowerment Impacts of Millet Processing and Value Addition Enterprises by Women SHGs in Tribal Areas of Odisha, IndiaApurba SheeIn Development1.3.2022View   Download
On the long-term impacts of Marine Protected Areas: A 18-years follow-up study in Tanzania Antoine LebloisOngoing1.3.2022View   Download
Increasing HIV Testing among Male Partners of Ante-Natal clinic (ANC) Clients: a Randomized Study in KenyaAnthony GichangiCompleted2.2.2018View   Download