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Displaying 281-289 of 289 results.
Study TitleInvestigatorStatusRegistered OnActions
Urmul Trust - Empowering women’s craft collectives in RajasthanDr. Chandan Jain, Shreya BanerjeeOngoing1.20.2022View   Download
Vaparshun! - IMPROVING TOILET USE BEHAVIOURS IN RURAL INDIAVal Curtis Ongoing8.28.2018View   Download
WASH UP! India Impact EvaluationJenna DavisCompleted4.26.2024View   Download
Willingness to pay for improved crop storage bags among smallholder farmers in Western Kenya: comparing demand generation effectiveness of text, audio, and video messagesDaniel SteinOngoing4.25.2016View   Download
Women Agribusiness Leaders Network (WALN) Gautam Gustav Bastian Ongoing2.26.2018View   Download
Women Improving Nutrition through Group-based Strategies (WINGS) : Building evidence on how self-help groups/women’s groups in India can improve nutrition outcomes through integrated programmingNeha KumarOngoing8.16.2019View   Download
Zambia Child Grant Programme EvaluationSudhanshu HandaOngoing1.5.2016View   Download
Zambia Multiple Category Targeting Grant EvaluationSudhanshu HandaOngoing1.5.2016View   Download
“Cash for Winterization” Impact Analysis SurveyDaniel MastersonCompleted6.10.2014View   Download