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Displaying 61-70 of 288 results.
Study TitleInvestigatorStatusRegistered OnActions
Enhancing the Economic Impact of Rural Roads on Women in Nicaragua Arndt ReichertIn Development3.5.2020View   Download
Ethiopia Expressway Development Project impact evaluationKevin CrokeIn Development7.18.2018View   Download
Evaluating Impacts of Rural Road Maintenance Employment among Women in LaosElizaveta PerovaOngoing3.5.2020View   Download
Evaluating Mexico’s Payment for Environmental Services (PES) Scheme Jennifer Alix-GarciaOngoing11.11.2016View   Download
Evaluating a Behavioural Intervention to improve toilet use amongst toilet owning households in rural BiharShruti ViswanathanIn Development5.15.2018View   Download
Evaluating the African Poultry Multiplication InitiativeTorben FischerCompleted6.17.2020View   Download
Evaluating the Design and Impact of the Secondary School Teacher Training Initiative under the Government of Nepal’s School Sector Development ProgramPaul GlewweOngoing7.17.2019View   Download
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Sport as a Pedagogical Tool: A Year Two Impact Evaluation of the Monrovia Football AcademyAaron SpitlerOngoing7.22.2018View   Download
Evaluating the Impact of Academic and Economic Interventions on Student Learning Outcomes and Attendance in the Democratic Republic of CongoJennifer RandallOngoing3.12.2014View   Download
Evaluating the Impact of Behavioural Messages on Honest Reporting of COVID-19 Symptoms via the Mobile COVID-19 Connect Platform in South AfricaDr. Crystal Haijing HuangOngoing5.4.2022View   Download