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Displaying 201-210 of 289 results.
Study TitleInvestigatorStatusRegistered OnActions
Impact and feasibility of integrated agriculture-nutrition training through early-childhood development centres in Malawi.Aulo GelliOngoing7.27.2016View   Download
Preventing intimate-partner violence: Impact Evaluation of Engaging Men through Accountable Practice in Eastern DRCJulia Vaillant, Estelle Koussoubé, Rachael Pierotti Completed6.24.2016View   Download
Evaluation of GoB, UNICEF, CIFF initiative to facilitate and accelerate implementation of the Bangladesh National Nutrition ServicesSk Masum BillahOngoing5.13.2016View   Download
Willingness to pay for improved crop storage bags among smallholder farmers in Western Kenya: comparing demand generation effectiveness of text, audio, and video messagesDaniel SteinOngoing4.25.2016View   Download
Impact Evaluation of Lahore's MetrobusKatherine VybornyOngoing4.13.2016View   Download
Afghanistan Safety Nets EvaluationMatthew MortonIn Development4.7.2016View   Download
Empowering youth through skills development in TogoMarkus GoldsteinOngoing4.4.2016View   Download
Evaluation of The Impact of Removal of User Fees For Maternal Health Services on Universal Health Coverage in KenyaTimothy AbuyaIn Development3.31.2016View   Download
HIV self-testing for partners of women attending antenatal care in Central Uganda: Uptake and linkage to care post-test Rhoda WanyenzeCompleted3.10.2016View   Download
The Impact of Natural Viewership of Galli Galli Sim Sim on Indian Children: A Longitudinal StudyDina L.G. Borzekowski, Ed.D.Ongoing2.26.2016View   Download