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Displaying 261-270 of 289 results.
Study TitleInvestigatorStatusRegistered OnActions
The contribution of legal awareness raising toward access to justice and stability in AfghanistanDan KillianCompleted5.15.2014View   Download
Understanding the Impacts of a Civic Participation Initiative in Rwanda: Experimental FindingsIra Nichols-BarrerOngoing4.22.2014View   Download
Early grade bilingual reading promotion with community intervention for indigenous populationsSteven GlazermanOngoing4.16.2014View   Download
Evaluating the Impact of Community Development on Typhoon Resilience: Evidence from the PhilippinesJustin AbrahamOngoing4.4.2014View   Download
Innovative demand creation for voluntary medical male circumcision for a high impact male population: A pilot study at three high volume clinics in Kampala, Uganda.Andrew KambuguIn Development4.3.2014View   Download
Improving vision and health of elders in Nuwara Eliya district, Sri Lanka: An evaluation of the impact of community-based Elders’ Clubs on health, vision and well-being of elders Dr. Wendy HolmesOngoing4.2.2014View   Download
Evaluating the Impact of a Focused Reading and Math Intervention Integrated with a Social-Emotional Learning Program on Student Learning Outcomes and Psychosocial WellbeingJ. Lawrence Aber & Edward SeidmanOngoing3.20.2014View   Download
Evaluating the Impact of Academic and Economic Interventions on Student Learning Outcomes and Attendance in the Democratic Republic of CongoJennifer RandallOngoing3.12.2014View   Download
The Good Schools Toolkit to prevent violence against children in Ugandan primary schools: study protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trialKaren DevriesOngoing3.11.2014View   Download
Impact Evaluation of peace building educational programme in KyrgyzstanTilman BrückOngoing2.28.2014View   Download