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Displaying 271-280 of 289 results.
Study TitleInvestigatorStatusRegistered OnActions
Optimizing the use of economic incentives to increase male circumcision demand: a randomized trial to compare fixed and lottery-based incentives Harsha ThirumurthyCompleted2.26.2014View   Download
Short-text (SMS) platform ‘Zambia U-Report’ to increase demand for voluntary medicalized male circumcision among adolescents and young adultsPaul WangCompleted2.17.2014View   Download
Assessing the Impact of Farmer Field Schools on Excess Fertilizer Use in ChinaKrishna KumarOngoing1.23.2014View   Download
Education for Employment Internship Program Fursati Littamayyoz “My Chance to Excel”Maram BarqawiIn Development12.25.2013View   Download
Components and Variants of an Ultra-Poor Graduation Program in UgandaSulaiman M, Proefke R, Sedlmayr R, Shah AOngoing12.8.2013View   Download
Impact Evaluation of a Performance-based Financing Pilot in CameroonDamien de WalqueOngoing11.27.2013View   Download
Evaluating the impact of mobiles for reproductive health on family planning knowledge and behaviorDoug JohnsonOngoing11.26.2013View   Download
Microfinance demand in Pakistan PunjabSimon QuinnOngoing11.13.2013View   Download
Information and High School Enrollment: An Experiment in Southern MexicoZachary IntemannCompleted10.31.2013View   Download
Evaluating the Impact of Livestock Development on Poverty and Food SecurityAlex Winter-NelsonOngoing10.15.2013View   Download