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Displaying 91-100 of 289 results.
Study TitleInvestigatorStatusRegistered OnActions
Long Term Impact of the Juntos Conditional Cash Transfer Program on Cognitive and Anthropometric Outcomes Among a Cohort of Peruvian ChildrenDrew CameronStopped8.31.2016View   Download
Targeting and Realigning Agriculture for Improved Nutrition (TRAIN)Marie RuelOngoing10.17.2016View   Download
Impact evaluation of the Skills Development for Employability Project in the Republic of CongoLéa RouanetOngoing10.21.2016View   Download
Evaluating Mexico’s Payment for Environmental Services (PES) Scheme Jennifer Alix-GarciaOngoing11.11.2016View   Download
Impact Evaluation of a Tanzanian Conditional Cash Transfer (TASAF III/PSSN) on Youth Well-being and the Transition to AdulthoodTia PalermoCompleted11.11.2016View   Download
Fast-Tracking the Access to Improved and Popular Varieties of Root Crops by Smallholder Farmers: A Case of Sweetpotato and CassavaHenry Musa KpakaOngoing11.11.2016View   Download
Integrated multisectoral strategy to improve girls’ and women’s nutrition before conception, during pregnancy and after birth in India (Swabhimaan): prospective, non-randomised controlled evaluationDr Vani SethiOngoing11.11.2016View   Download
A Randomised Controlled Trial to Increase HIV Testing Demand Among Truck Drivers and Female Sex Workers Through Offering Self-Administered Oral HIV Testing at North Star Alliance Clinics in KenyaElizabeth KelvinIn Development11.14.2016View   Download
Judicial Performance Improvement Impact EvaluationJustin SandefurOngoing11.16.2016View   Download
Girl Empower: Studying the impact of mentorship, asset building, caregiver discussion groups, and cash transfers on reducing girl’s vulnerability to sexual exploitation and abuseKelly HallmanOngoing1.2.2017View   Download