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Displaying 111-120 of 289 results.
Study TitleInvestigatorStatusRegistered OnActions
Gender segregated public transport in Rio de JaneiroKatherine VybornyOngoing11.19.2017View   Download
Gendered Differences in Mobility and the Demand for Transport: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Urban EthiopiaMahesh KarraIn Development11.21.2021View   Download
Ghana LEAP 1000 Impact EvaluationSudhanshu Handa & Isaac Osei-AkotoCompleted7.1.2015View   Download
Girl Empower: Studying the impact of mentorship, asset building, caregiver discussion groups, and cash transfers on reducing girl’s vulnerability to sexual exploitation and abuseKelly HallmanOngoing1.2.2017View   Download
GiveDirectly Iganga Cash Transfer Program Michael FayeCompleted4.19.2017View   Download
Grain Legume Cluster Development to Improve Pulses Farming in BiharDaniel SteinOngoing2.2.2018View   Download
Gramyashakti: developing rural women’s spice processing enterprises in three Indian statesBidisha BarooahIn Development4.19.2022View   Download
HIV self-testing for partners of women attending antenatal care in Central Uganda: Uptake and linkage to care post-test Rhoda WanyenzeCompleted3.10.2016View   Download
Hawassa Industrial Park Community Impact EvaluationKevin CrokeIn Development8.20.2018View   Download
Health Impacts of Emergency Response and Post-Crash Medical Care in Malawi and TanzaniaSveta MilushevaStopped3.24.2019View   Download