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Displaying 281-289 of 289 results.
Study TitleInvestigatorStatusRegistered OnActions
A randomised controlled feasibility trial of a household play space intervention to reduce infant Campylobacter infection: The CAMPI trialDr Paul HutchingsIn Development11.29.2019View   Download
A cluster randomised trial on the impact of integrating early infant HIV diagnosis with the Expanded Programme on Immunization on immunization and HIV testing rates in rural Zambian health facilitiesPaul WangCompleted6.30.2015View   Download
A cluster randomised controlled trial to evaluate the impact of microfinance and participatory gender training on intimate partner violenceShelley LeesOngoing10.8.2013View   Download
A Tough Call: Understanding the Impact of Mobile Technology on Women's Work, Gender Gaps, Social Norms, and MisinformationAruj ShuklaOngoing7.24.2023View   Download
A Randomized Experiment of Cash Transfers and Financial Education on Vulnerable Iraqi’s Resilience to the Economic Effects of COVID-19Reimar MaracanasOngoing11.28.2019View   Download
A Randomized Controlled Trial to Evaluate Adding Self-Administered Oral HIV Testing as a Choice in Clinic and Non-Clinic Settings to Increase HIV Testing Uptake Among Truck Drivers in KenyaElizabeth KelvinIn Development6.19.2015View   Download
A Randomised Controlled Trial to Increase HIV Testing Demand Among Truck Drivers and Female Sex Workers Through Offering Self-Administered Oral HIV Testing at North Star Alliance Clinics in KenyaElizabeth KelvinIn Development11.14.2016View   Download
A Cluster Randomized Control Trial Evaluating the Effectiveness of an Integrated Sanitation and Nutrition Program in Kitui County, Kenya. Lilian LehmannOngoing4.18.2017View   Download
Sustainability of food security Impacts from Cash Transfers, Food Transfers, and Complementary Programming in the time of COVID-19: Experimental Evidence from BangladeshShalini RoyOngoing5.4.2022View   Download