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Displaying 51-60 of 289 results.
Study TitleInvestigatorStatusRegistered OnActions
TW14 Pre-analysis plan: TW 14.10.10 Promoting latrine use in rural India using the risks, attitudes, norms, abilities and self-regulation approach to behaviour change Hand-Joachim MoslerOngoing2.26.2018View   Download
Study to Assess a Customer & Supplier Relationship Management System for Farmers in MozambiqueDaniel SteinOngoing12.19.2017View   Download
Study Overview Live By GirnarSoftRavi ChouhansIn Development1.17.2025View   Download
Strengthening the Measurement Tools and Evidence Base for Collective Approaches to Smallholder Livelihoods: The Impact of Coffee Collectives on Women’s Empowerment in MexicoJuan TabordaOngoing5.2.2023View   Download
Smallholder Agriculture Development Project (SADP) in Lesotho Athur MabisoOngoing11.29.2019View   Download
Sister of Success Mentoring and Girls Groups in Liberia Tricia Koroknay-Palicz, Joao Montalvao, Juliette SebanOngoing1.5.2015View   Download
Short-text (SMS) platform ‘Zambia U-Report’ to increase demand for voluntary medicalized male circumcision among adolescents and young adultsPaul WangCompleted2.17.2014View   Download
Sahel Women’s Empowerment and Demographic Dividend (SWEDD): Empowering Adolescent Girls through Safe Spaces and Accompanying Measures in Cote d'IvoireLéa RouanetOngoing3.29.2018View   Download
Sahel Womenâ??s Empowerment and Demographic Dividend (SWEDD): Empowering Adolescent Girls through Safe Spaces and Accompanying Measures in Burkina FasoHarounan KaziangaOngoing10.12.2020View   Download
Sahel Women's Empowerment and Demographic Dividend (SWEDD): Empowering Adolescent Girls in MaliOlivia BertelliOngoing9.1.2020View   Download