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Displaying 61-70 of 289 results.
Study TitleInvestigatorStatusRegistered OnActions
Safe Water – Advances in Purification Options (SWAPNO)Amanda S. WendtOngoing4.26.2024View   Download
Rwanda Stunting Prevention and Reduction (SPAR) Program Impact EvaluationJed FriedmanOngoing1.20.2022View   Download
Rural Income Through Exports (PRICE): Comparing a coffee and a horticulture cash crop promotion scheme in RwandaBenjamin WoodIn Development1.30.2018View   Download
Route to Development: Impacts of Road Network Improvements on Agricultural Intensification in MozambiquePaul ChristianOngoing7.13.2020View   Download
Role of Text Messages in Nudging Farmers to use Credible Information Sources for Farming decisions.R Sai Shiva JayanthCompleted9.24.2021View   Download
Return to capital in post-conflict context: Impact evaluation of asset and cash transfers in South SudanMunshi SulaimanOngoing10.29.2014View   Download
Resilient Refugee Intervention and ResearchColleen O'NealOngoing6.28.2022View   Download
Resilience through social protection and nutritionJohn HoddinottOngoing9.8.2022View   Download
Replication of Bleakley 2007David RoodmanIn Development3.29.2018View   Download
Reducing women’s care burden and improving their economic wellbeing through establishment of community-based childcare centersDr. Tefera Darge DelbisoOngoing1.11.2023View   Download