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Displaying 81-90 of 280 results.
Study TitleInvestigatorStatusRegistered OnActions
Mozambique Mobile Money Feasibility StudyAlan De BrauwOngoing9.18.2013View   Download
Mobile Clinics for Social Inclusion in IndonesiaForest JarvisOngoing4.26.2024View   Download
Mixed-Methods Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial of Impact Network’s eSchool 360 Model in Rural Zambia Thomas de HoopOngoing3.19.2019View   Download
Microfinance demand in Pakistan PunjabSimon QuinnOngoing11.13.2013View   Download
Measuring the Impact of a Health Delivery Intervention in the Ahafo, Ashanti, Bono East, Central Eastern, Northern, North East, Upper East, and Volta Regions of Ghana Dr Valentina BrailovskayaOngoing10.12.2020View   Download
Measuring open defecation in rural IndiaSangita VyasOngoing7.22.2018View   Download
Measuring and Enhancing Mobility in DakarSveta MilushevaIn Development1.7.2019View   Download
Measles Vaccination Cash Incentives: Experimental Evidence from ShethOngoing12.19.2017View   Download
Malawi's Social Cash Transfer Programme Evaluation Sudanshu Handa and Gustavo AngelesOngoing2.12.2016View   Download
Making Cash Grants "Work" for Women Entrepreneurs. Accra, Ghana Francisco CamposOngoing1.14.2020View   Download