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Displaying 1-10 of 289 results.
Study TitleInvestigatorStatusRegistered OnActions
Assessment of the Impact of Receiving Eyeglasses on Productivity in Handicraft Weaving in RwandaPaul GlewweStopped9.17.2013View   Download
Long Term Impact of the Juntos Conditional Cash Transfer Program on Cognitive and Anthropometric Outcomes Among a Cohort of Peruvian ChildrenDrew CameronStopped8.31.2016View   Download
Health Impacts of Emergency Response and Post-Crash Medical Care in Malawi and TanzaniaSveta MilushevaStopped3.24.2019View   Download
Join New YearRavi ChouhanStopped12.26.2024View   Download
Improving community development by linking agriculture, nutrition and education: a randomised trial of "home-grown" school feeding in MaliAulo GelliOngoing9.17.2013View   Download
Mozambique Mobile Money Feasibility StudyAlan De BrauwOngoing9.18.2013View   Download
Learning about Cost-Effective Strategies for Developing and Delivering Biofortified Crops in UgandaDaniel GilliganOngoing9.18.2013View   Download
Debt reduction For Live: The impact of the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Initiative on Child MortalityEric Djimeu Ongoing9.18.2013View   Download
The Role of Price Information in Agricultural Markets: Experimental Evidence from Rural PeruEduardo NakasoneOngoing9.17.2013View   Download
A cluster randomised controlled trial to evaluate the impact of microfinance and participatory gender training on intimate partner violenceShelley LeesOngoing10.8.2013View   Download