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Displaying 11-20 of 289 results.
Study TitleInvestigatorStatusRegistered OnActions
Effect of an emotional education program in comparison with the relational leadership school program on emotional competencies for teachers in training at colleges in Antioquia: A randomized clinical Miguel Ángel Albor LiconaIn Development4.26.2024View   Download
Safe Water – Advances in Purification Options (SWAPNO)Amanda S. WendtOngoing4.26.2024View   Download
Impact Evaluation of the Support to the Maternal Mortality Reduction Project (SMMRP) in Tanzania Dana KassemOngoing4.26.2024View   Download
Impact Evaluation of Pashe Achhi: A Telecommunication Model for Children and Caregivers in North Bengal, BangladeshMohammad Safayet KhanOngoing4.26.2024View   Download
ARTISTIC PATHWAYS FOR YOUTH EMPLOYMENTAmos NjugunaIn Development4.26.2024View   Download
Evaluation of the Effects of Introducing RiskManagement Tools in Agricultural Development: The Case of PADAER SenegalMarkus OlapadeCompleted4.26.2024View   Download
Competition Constrains Adaptation to Climate ShocksFrancis AnnanOngoing4.26.2024View   Download
An experiment to promote the uptake of 3ie’s TREE review frameworkChandan JainIn Development4.26.2024View   Download
Game changer: The Impact of a Dyslexia-related Intervention on Cognitive and Non-cognitive SkillsJavier Garcia-Brazales Ongoing4.26.2024View   Download
Pre-analysis Plan for Smallholder Agricultural Competitiveness Project (SACP), BangladeshHaseeb AhmedIn Development4.26.2024View   Download