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Displaying 281-289 of 289 results.
Study TitleInvestigatorStatusRegistered OnActions
Women Agribusiness Leaders Network (WALN) Gautam Gustav Bastian Ongoing2.26.2018View   Download
Making Cash Grants "Work" for Women Entrepreneurs. Accra, Ghana Francisco CamposOngoing1.14.2020View   Download
Impact evaluation of the Adapting to Markets and Climate Change Project in Nicaragua (NICADAPTA) Esther HeesemannCompleted11.12.2020View   Download
Confidence, Experimentation, and Belief Updating Emilia TjernströmOngoing4.22.2017View   Download
Measuring the Impact of a Health Delivery Intervention in the Ahafo, Ashanti, Bono East, Central Eastern, Northern, North East, Upper East, and Volta Regions of Ghana Dr Valentina BrailovskayaOngoing10.12.2020View   Download
Improving Smallholder Livelihoods and Nutrition: An Evaluation of WFP’s Nutrition-Sensitive Food for Assets program in Sri Lanka Deanna OlneyOngoing5.4.2022View   Download
The impact of contractual partnerships on small-scale rice growers in Ghana Daniel Ayalew Ali; Derick Bowen; Klaus Deininger; Markus Goldstein; Tricia Koroknay-Palicz; Angeli KirkOngoing1.5.2015View   Download
Smallholder Agriculture Development Project (SADP) in Lesotho Athur MabisoOngoing11.29.2019View   Download
Enhancing the Economic Impact of Rural Roads on Women in Nicaragua Arndt ReichertIn Development3.5.2020View   Download