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Displaying 21-30 of 288 results.
Study TitleInvestigatorStatusRegistered OnActions
Evaluating the Impact of Road Safety Initiatives in LiberiaTheophile BougnaIn Development3.8.2021View   Download
Completing the Road Network: Evidence from New Vehicular Bridges in NepalTheophile BougnaIn Development5.31.2021View   Download
Impact on learning outcome by effective use of mathematics textbooks structured for increasing academic learning time: Empirical research in El SalvadorTakao MaruyamaOngoing10.5.2018View   Download
Impact Evaluation of the Communal Climate Action and Landscape Management ProjectSylvan Rene HerskowitzOngoing11.27.2024View   Download
Evaluating the Impact of a Maternal & Child Health Intervention in Sindh, PakistanSyeda Warda RiazOngoing3.21.2022View   Download
Measuring and Enhancing Mobility in DakarSveta MilushevaIn Development1.7.2019View   Download
Health Impacts of Emergency Response and Post-Crash Medical Care in Malawi and TanzaniaSveta MilushevaStopped3.24.2019View   Download
The social costs and benefits of infrastructure construction: Air pollution and bus rapid transit (BRT) in DakarSveta MilushevaOngoing5.31.2021View   Download
The economics of long-term grid reliabilitySusanna BerkouwerOngoing5.21.2020View   Download
Evaluation of Group Handwashing with Soap before Mid-day Meals in Rural Elementary School of AssamSumeet PatilOngoing12.4.2015View   Download