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Displaying 41-50 of 289 results.
Study TitleInvestigatorStatusRegistered OnActions
A Randomized Controlled Trial to Evaluate Adding Self-Administered Oral HIV Testing as a Choice in Clinic and Non-Clinic Settings to Increase HIV Testing Uptake Among Truck Drivers in KenyaElizabeth KelvinIn Development6.19.2015View   Download
The Impact of Galli Galli Sim Sim on Indian Children: A Randomized Control TrialDina L.G. Borzekowski, Ed.D.In Development2.11.2016View   Download
Afghanistan Safety Nets EvaluationMatthew MortonIn Development4.7.2016View   Download
Evaluation of The Impact of Removal of User Fees For Maternal Health Services on Universal Health Coverage in KenyaTimothy AbuyaIn Development3.31.2016View   Download
A Randomised Controlled Trial to Increase HIV Testing Demand Among Truck Drivers and Female Sex Workers Through Offering Self-Administered Oral HIV Testing at North Star Alliance Clinics in KenyaElizabeth KelvinIn Development11.14.2016View   Download
Replication of Bleakley 2007David RoodmanIn Development3.29.2018View   Download
The Effect of Better Quality Information on School Choice in UgandaLee CrawfurdIn Development6.21.2017View   Download
Facilitated participatory and action groups to improve maternal and newborn health at scale in Jharkhand, India Audrey ProstIn Development7.6.2017View   Download
Rural Income Through Exports (PRICE): Comparing a coffee and a horticulture cash crop promotion scheme in RwandaBenjamin WoodIn Development1.30.2018View   Download
Evaluating a Behavioural Intervention to improve toilet use amongst toilet owning households in rural BiharShruti ViswanathanIn Development5.15.2018View   Download